@misc{Rizzi-Zannoni_Giovanni_Antonio_Matthaeus, author={Rizzi-Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio and Drentwet, Abraham and Rogg, Gottfried and Probst, Johann Michael ( -1809) and Lotter, Tobias Conradus and Lotter, Matthaeus Albrecht and Steinberger, Christoph and Seutter, Matthaeus}, language={ita}, type={Mapa}, title={Matthaeus SEUTTER, Tobias Conrad LOTTER, Matthaeus Albrecht LOTTER, Johann MIchael PROBST,Gottfried ROGG, Christopher STEINBERGER, V.C. RICCI ZANNONI, Abraham DRENTWET Jun. [Atlas sztuczny, map 87] Augusta Vindelicorum, [po 1777]}, }